Aubergine or Eggplants belong to the same family as tomatoes, pepper. Originally, they were white and yellow and about the size of hen’s egg, hence eggplant.

Now the elongated purple type is predominant. The flesh of aubergines contains calcium, iron and vitamin B and C. Aubergines stimulate the liver and gallbladder functions and have a favorable effect on rheumatism.

The flavors of these vegetables are only brought out by boiling, grilling or roasting. Eaten raw they can cause diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain.

There is no need to peel them, especially as the dark color of the skin is part of their attraction. Aubergine recipes often include instructions to remove bitterness but this is not normally necessary nowadays as they should nice and fresh when bought.

However, if you are particularly sensitive to bitter flavors simply sprinkle the cut surfaces with salt and leave to drain for about 30 minutes. Salting draws the bitterness out the vegetable.


Storage: Aubergine | Eggplants | Vegetable

You can keep about 5-6 days in the vegetable compartments of the refrigerator.