Carrots in Vermouth Sauce recipe is different where carrots are paired with vermouth sauce are very tasty and very zingy.


SERVES                 4

Preparation and Cooking Time   40 minutes



Carrots in Vermouth Sauce

1kg carrots

45g butter

1 tsp sugar

500ml stock

125ml single cream

2 tbsp dry vermouth

Salt and pepper

Pinch of nutmeg


Preparation Method:

Carrots in Vermouth Sauce

Scrub or peel the carrots and slice thinly. Heat the butter in a large saucepan, add the carrots and cook gently for a few minutes, stirring frequently. Pour in the stock, cover and cook slowly for about 15 minutes until slightly soft.

Uncover the pan and cook until all the liquid has evaporated.

Add the vermouth and the cream. Season with salt and pepper and heat gently until the sauce is creamy.

Serve Carrots in Vermouth Sauce as a side dish with roast meat or as part of a mixed vegetable dish.


Cook’s Tip

Vermouth gives the sauce a distinctive touch. Serve the carrots sprinkled with chopped parsley, chervil or chives.


Read: Carrot and Cashew Coleslaw