Cucumber is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It is said to have been grown in India in 4000BC. In the Middle Ages, it became known in southern, central and northern Europe.
Long, thin salad cucumbers and fatter, cylindrical ridge cucumbers are suitable in salads and as a vegetable.
After sorting out according to size, immature, smaller pickling cucumbers are industrially processed into fine quality gherkins and pickled gherkins. The smallest are known cornichons. Both outdoor and greenhouse cucumbers are available in the market. Outdoor cucumbers have a strong flavor. Cucumbers are extremely low in calories as they contain almost water but they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Look for cucumbers that are firm, especially at the stalk end. Do not peel unless it is essential to the recipe as most of the vegetable food value lies it’s in the skin.
Storage: Cucumber | Vegetable
You can keep for 6-7 days in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.