Fiddlehead is one of the very few vegetables that are really attractive in looks. People cultivate the young fiddlehead ferns as a vegetable. This vegetable is actually harvested for a very short duration of the time. The catchy vegetable is mild metallic in taste. There is a high percentage of antioxidants present in the vegetable. Not only this, but it also provides a unique combination of protein, zinc, riboflavin, and vitamins A and C.


Fiddleheads Greens



People use Fiddlehead ferns in many recipes just like the other vegetables. Consequently, people can boil, fry and even bake this vegetable. The shape is like the coiled heads that have the curls like the scroll of a violin. The vegetable is abundantly available for the shortest period of time in the East Coast. It is a type of ostrich fern that is having omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids Fiddlehead greens are extremely helpful in lowering the risk of heart disease. It can also reduce the level of cholesterol as well.


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