Omelets should be cooked in shallow pie dishes in order to have smooth, neat edges. To get a flat surface, carefully move the cooked edges to the center with a spatula so that uncooked egg mixture flows under the omelet. A well-cooked omelet will be set throughout but the center top will appear moist. If the omelet is too moist in the center when checked with a knife, return to microwave oven for 15 seconds at a time.

Tomato and Pepper Omelet Recipe is simple to make and it is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron.


Tomato and Pepper Omelet Recipe

Microwave Cooking

Omelet Recipe

Category: Omelet and Eggs

SERVES: 2 Persons

Preparation Time: 15 minutes



Tomato and Pepper Omelet Recipe

4 eggs

1 medium onion, thinly sliced

1 tbsp cooking oil

Big tomato, chopped

Small green pepper, thickly chopped

1 tbsp milk

Tabasco sauce to taste

Salt and black pepper to taste

Parsley for garnishing



Preparation Method:

Tomato and Pepper Omelet Recipe

In a pie dish, place cooking oil, green pepper, onion, and tomato and combine them. Covered and cook for about 4 minutes on high power or until softened, stirring twice.

Meanwhile, in a separate mixing bowl using the fork beat the eggs, milk, Tabasco sauce, salt, and black pepper. With a slotted spoon, remove vegetable mixture from pie dish; keep vegetable mixture aside.

Into the pie dish used for cooking vegetables, slowly pour egg mixture. Cook egg mixture for I minutes on high power.

With spoon or spatula, move cooked edge to the center of the dish. Cook, covered with kitchen paper on high power for about 1 ½ minute or until omelet is set but still moist in the center.

Over half of omelet spared vegetable mixture. With a spatula, gently fold omelet over vegetables.

Tomato and Pepper Omelet is ready to serve. Slide omelet onto the warmed serving platter. Garnish with parsley and serve warm.



Tomato and Pepper Omelet Recipe

Nutrition Facts:

255 cals per serving,

It is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron.